Saturday, March 10, 2012

Amendment Fails

The amendment -technically a motion, actually - as failed overwhelmingly.

The motion was to rescind funds for furniture and equipment, administrative space, and the field house.

Betsy Sullivan, Gary Magnuson, Ted Flynn, and others spoke eloquently against this. Even Will Zachmann noted that the people had spoken on this topic. Mrs. Sullivan noted the Finance Committee only saw this at 1:45PM. "Sneaky," "bad taste," and "deceitful" we're all terms used in comments against.

For those of you able to come to Town Meeting, thank you! Thanks to all of you for your continued support!

Field House in Jeopardy

We have further details for you.

Colleen Brayer plans to offer an amendment to article 12 to rescind all funding for the field house.

The would be bad because:

We need locker rooms and toilets to legally use the turf field, and retrofitting current facilities is cost-prohibitive.

It will cost less to do this as part of a bigger project than solo a few years from now

Contracts have been signed

The people have already spoken in two town meetings and two elections

PLEASE get to Town Meeting this afternoon to vote down this amendment.


We've received word from inside Town Meeting that someone may try to rescind part of the money for the school building project. Yes, really. Apparently a person can make a motion from the floor -- and, without a subsequent ballot vote -- the money would be gone. Gone.

We'll continue to monitor what is going on, but the bottom line is that if you can get to Town Meeting today, PLEASE DO!! A showing may be enough to stop this person -- and if a motion is already on the floor, it's too late to go into TM. PLEASE show this person/persons that the schools and the school building project continue to have our support.

We'll update as we can -- but please show your face at Town Meeting. Other town issues would benefit from your input as well.

THANKS!! And we'll be in touch again today, I'm sure....