The Proposal

At 2008 Town Meeting, the town identified the need for a town-wide capital plan. The Feasibility Study, funding for which was approved at Town Meeting in 2009, and which was completed in April, 2010, presented several options for addressing school building needs.

The Feasibility Study identified six options for renovation and new construction, and baseline of minimum repairs required. One of these options was the co-located school option.

MSBA agreed this was the most cost-effective option to address the needs of both schools. MSBA approved collaborating on co-located middle and high schools.

A co-located -- NOT a combined school -- would be beneficial because:
  • Provides efficiencies in shared resources , such as kitchen, plant, library, arts
  • Maintains separate identities
  • Potential to improve traffic
After significant discussion and consideration, the School Building Committee unanimously determined that the co-located school option was best options for the following reasons:
  • Achieves goals for both the facility and programming for 2 schools at one time
  • Captures competitive construction market
  • Reimbursement rate from MSBA known and maximized
  • Renovation projects not necessarily favored by MSBA
  • Minimizes disruption to students
In summary, building a co-located middle school and high school is the most cost-effective, educationally appropriate way to meet the long term needs of Duxbury's school children.


Preconstruction: Demolition of DMS small gym

Phase 1: Middle School and Core Construction

Phase 2: Existing Middle School demolition

Phase 3: New High School and parking, demolish existing HS Construct parking/fields on DHS site