Friday, March 11, 2011

Town Meeting Survival Guide

If you have never been to Town Meeting before, you may not know what to expect. As such, we decided to compile this “survival guide” to help you know what to expect.

You do not need to bring anything to Town Meeting. However, many people find that bringing a notebook and pen or pencil is helpful to make notes during the discussions. No food or drink is allowed in the PAC; bring a few dollars to get something to eat in the cafeteria at lunch. YoTaco and Benchwarmers are also nearby. Many people also find that something to occupy one’s hands is helpful. If you are a knitter, for example, bring a small project. (Wool Basket Yarns is offering 20% off today for mentioning “Town Meeting.”)

Town Meeting begins at 9AM at the Performing Arts Center. The schedule is usually 9AM-5PM, with lunch from 12PM-1PM. If we don’t get through all the articles on Saturday (unlikely this year), Town Meeting with be continued on Monday night, and can continue evenings until all articles have been addressed.

As you enter the PAC, you’ll see numerous tables of information regarding the various articles and issues before our town. There is some terrific information here -- as well as the opportunity to meet candidates for town offices.

To actually vote in the PAC, you must be registered to vote and you must sign in at the voter table. Your name will be checked off and you’ll be given a piece of paper. Hold on to this piece of paper; you will need it for counted votes!

You do NOT have to be present for the entire town meeting to vote, though the more that participate in whole, the more balanced the democratic process. There is no set time to check in. You just need to check in prior to the vote, whenever you arrive. You only have to check in once, and you can come and go from the auditorium as you please. There will be monitors around the lobby of the PAC so you can monitor what is going on in the auditorium. There are many interesting articles in the warrant and we hope you'll participate in as much of Town Meeting as you can.

You can text from within the auditorium. Step outside to make a phone call.

The format of the meeting itself follows Robert’s Rules of Order. Articles are presented, motions made, discussions ensue. Sometimes it can be a little confusing if an amendment comes up, so keep your ears open. Listen carefully -- and you’ll learn a lot.

If you choose to ask a question or comment on an article, step up to one of the microphones located around the auditorium. Wait for the moderator to recognize you, then state your name and address, and keep your comments brief, civil, and to the point. Passion is absolutely allowed.

As for the actual voting, most votes start as a voice vote. The moderator asks all in favor and all opposed. If the voice vote sounds close, it will go to a hand count. The moderator will ask all in favor to raise your hand. Now is the time to get out that piece of paper! Hold up your hand and keep it up until one  of the counters had indicated to your row that your vote has been recorded.

If you have any other questions about Town Meeting, please ask!!!

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